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Environmental remediation programmes

25 May 2016, 09:00


Poster Technical and Technological Aspects of Implementing Environmental Remediation Programmes Session 4B - Poster


Mr Aslanov Fikrat (AZERBAIJAN)Mr Ceyhun Eyvazov (Azerbaijan)


After the firmer of SSRI in Azerbaijan Republic have two iodine production plant stop you work. And, some territories of Absheron penunsila has been contaminated by charcoal. After the degree of Azerbaijan President of Ilham Aliyev's the contaminated territory began to clean by the Ministry of Emergency Sitautions of Azerbaijan Republic with IAEA. IAEA's international experts give us more recimendation about clean contaminated territory and help us in this way. Now this territory has been cleaned and our goverment create a new park for the local people and the people and children can rest in these territories. Then our government decide to clran other territory which located 200 km far from the capital of Azerbaijan Republic of Baku Neftchala Iodone Brome Plant. This territory also cleaned by the recomendations and advices of IAEA's experts.And this territory also has been cleaned. All cintaminated soil transported to the area of the Specialized Establishment "Isotope" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan Republic and prepare the well for them and long term storaged.
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Primary authors

Mr Aslanov Fikrat (AZERBAIJAN) Mr Ceyhun Eyvazov (Azerbaijan)

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