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Strategic Considerations for the Sustainable Remediation of Nuclear Installations

23 May 2016, 15:00
3h 15m


Poster National policies and strategies to enable and enhance decommissioning and environmental remediation Session 1 - Poster


Mr Peter Orr (Environment Agency)


Within the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD) provides a focus for the analysis of decommissioning policy, strategy and regulation. Beyond policy and strategy considerations, the WPDD also reviews practical considerations for implementation such as techniques for characterisation of materials, for decontamination and for dismantling. The Task Group on Nuclear Site Restoration of the WPDD has been given the role of providing the member countries with up-to-date information and to develop consensus regarding strategic aspects of site remediation at nuclear installations. It is discipline oriented, comprising experts in the field of nuclear site remediation, policy makers, regulators, and implementers nominated by the member organisations of the WPDD. To help achieve this task it will keep under review relevant worldwide experience approaches and constraints on the remediation of nuclear sites, management of land and groundwater that are affected by radiological, chemical and/or hazardous materials contamination. The report to be produced in the Spring of 2016 will contain observations and recommendations to consider in the development of strategies and plans for site remediation at nuclear sites to support on-going and new projects to achieve improvements in land quality management consistent with best practice.
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Primary author

Mr Peter Orr (Environment Agency)

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