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The Current Situation of Off-site Clean-Up in Japan

23 May 2016, 16:30


Oral National policies and strategies to enable and enhance decommissioning and environmental remediation Session 1-2


Mr Kazumi YOSHIKAWA (Ministry of the Environment,Japan)


The Current Situation of Off-site Clean-Up in Japan Kazumi Yoshikawa Director, International Cooperation Office for Decontamination Radioactive Materials, Environment Management Bureau Ministry of the Environment(MOE),Japan 1.Clean-up Activities After nuclear accident at TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the Act on Special Measure was established in August 2011 to deal with environmental contamination by radioactive substances diffused. Under this Act, MOE has been implementing decontamination. To be more specific, the Act sets two types of areas for decontamination. The first category is the Special Decontamination Area (SDA) where the decontamination is conducted directly by Japanese Government. The second category is the Intensive Contamination Survey Area (ICSA), whose decontamination is conducted by the municipalities. The SDA is the area where the evacuation order was issued, where 11 municipalities within Fukushima Prefecture were designated by MOE. In this area, MOE established the decontamination plan and implemented the work. Concerning the SDA, the decontamination work is planned to be completed by March 2017. We will do our best for the decontamination work steadily, although we also have some tasks to obtain the consent from landowners & house owners for decontamination and secure the temporary storage sites. On the other hand, the ICSA is the area where the air dose rate is rather low, anticipated to exceed 0.23μSv per hour. This area was also designated by MOE, but designated municipalities set their own decontamination plans and implement them by technical and financial support from MOE. There are 94 out of 99 ICSA municipalities designated by the government and municipalities which planned the decontamination, half of them were completed with decontamination, and half of them are under on-going decontamination. ICSA within Fukushima Prefecture, about 90% of public facilities in the living area was completed. Outside Fukushima Prefecture, planned decontamination work was almost completed and coming close to the end.With the cooperation of relevant ministries, MOE will continue to provide technical and financial support in order to progress the decontamination work and speed-up the reconstruction of evacuated areas. 2.Interim Storage Facility and the Idea of Final Disposal As the Interim Storage Facility, it is estimated that generated soil from decontamination will be about 16-22 million m3 after the volume reduction. One of the biggest issues for the ISF is the transportation as well as the construction. We have to take all measures possible to transport a large quantity of decontamination soil safely and securely. For this reason, pilot transportation is implemented for about a year in order to confirm safety. According to the law, Japanese Government shall take necessary measures for the final disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture within 30 years after the start of the Interim Storage. To do this, 8 steps would be taken for the final disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture. As a first step, Japanese government will conduct research and develop technology of the volume reduction and recycling for final disposal. At the same time, we will share information with the public to build the public consensus for reuse of low radioactive materials and the final disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture. In order to proceed with the review of the final disposal site, we need to identify the characteristics, radioactive concentration and quantity of the soils generated by volume reduction technology. Reflecting this study, we also find out the final disposal method. Through such review, we will develop the strategy for volume reduction and recycling about the next 10 years, while securing a budget. 3.Public Communication and Cooperation with International Societies To share information with local community, MOE made easy-to understand pamphlets and other materials. Latest information is also uploaded on the MOE-Website. For international community, MOE has asked for advice and evaluation from IAEA and also held bilateral meetings with US,UK and France to exchange information for effective environmental remediation efforts. REFERENCE 1. Ministry of the Environment ,Japan(MOEJ),2015 “Progress on Off-site Clean-Up and Interim Storage in Japan” Page 1-56 2. Ministry of the Environment ,Japan(MOEJ),2015 “FY2014 Decontamination Report-Digest Version-“ Page1-78 3. Ministry of the Environment ,Japan(MOEJ),2015 “The Current Situation of Decontamination and Interim Storage” Page14-31(Japanese)
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Mr Kazumi YOSHIKAWA (Ministry of the Environment,Japan)

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