Pavel Gredasov
(Open Joint Stock Company «Concern for Production of Electric and Thermal Energy at Nuclear Power Plants» («Rosenergoatom» Concern OJSC) Leningrad NPP)
The decommissioning of a nuclear power unit, as any radiation-hazardous facility, is an integral and inevitable stage of a nuclear facility life cycle. NPP decommissioning implies sequence of administrative and technical activities intended to terminate any activity connected with the facility functional purpose, and make it environmentally benign to be released from regulatory control[1].
We are nearing the life extension of Leningrad NPP power units, with the shutdown of Unit 1 scheduled for the end of 2018.
The following decommissioning documentation has been developed at Leningrad NPP:
- Concept of Leningrad NPP power units decommissioning[4];
- Decommissioning Program[2];
- Program of Integrated Engineering and Radiation Survey (IERS) for Units 1 & 2;
- Safety Case for Units 1 & 2 shut down for decommissioning[3];
- Detailed documentation requirements specification for Units 1 & 2 decommissioning;
The following documents are about to be issued:
- TechSpecs for the period of decommissioning;
- Design of Units 1 & 2 decommissioning.
Leningrad NPP developed the program specifying arrangements for the management of failed/damaged spent nuclear fuel assemblies and spent elements of RBMK-1000 reactor cores.
Underway are activities connected with the implementation of dry storage of spent nuclear fuel and its transportation to Mining and Chemical Combine (Zheleznogorsk).
In progress is the preparation of documentation pertaining to spent nuclear fuel afterburning at operating power units of Leningrad NPP.
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Primary author
Pavel Gredasov
(Open Joint Stock Company «Concern for Production of Electric and Thermal Energy at Nuclear Power Plants» («Rosenergoatom» Concern OJSC) Leningrad NPP)