Technical Session 6: KM in Nuclear Technology Research, Development and Innovation
- Roger Garbil
- Andrea (Co-chair) Borio di Tigliole (IAEA)
Evgeny Kulikov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
08/11/2016, 15:30
Track 7: KM in nuclear technology research, development and innovation
The present paper describes the experience of teaching «Nuclear Knowledge Management» course at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI). Currently, the course is implemented both in engineer’s and master’s of science degree programs and is attended by over 50 students. Goal, objectives and syllabus of the course are discussed in detail. A special attention is paid to practical...
Roberto MAYER
(Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica Argentina)
08/11/2016, 15:45
Track 7: KM in nuclear technology research, development and innovation
The experience in nuclear technological knowledge preservation and development in the Argentine Republic has been the responsibility of many actors due to many factors. Among these, a key role was played by an academic institution which started teaching physics at university level in 1955 and, later, in 1977 started training young minds in nuclear engineering, the Instituto Balseiro. This work...
Georgy Tikhomirov
08/11/2016, 16:00
Track 7: KM in nuclear technology research, development and innovation
The strategic goal of MEPhI is to become a global leader in education, science and innovations. Influence of the world development and current trends imply flexibility of the university to respond to today's challenges and ability to introduce new forms and organizational structures for effective and efficient education. Strategic Academic Unit (SAE) is a new academic and scientific entity...