Technical Session 18: Networks and Technical Communities of Practice (TCoPs)
- Sowagi John
- Valerie Segovia (Nuclear Power Institute, Texas A&M University)
Aucyone Da Silva
(LANENT-Latin American Network for Education in Nuclear Technology)
10/11/2016, 14:00
Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations
In the current century networks have played an important role in the dissemination of experiences, information exchange and training of human resources for different area of expertise. The IAEA has encouraged in regions, through its member states, the creation of educational networks to meet rapidly and efficiently the dissemination and exchange of knowledge between professionals and students...
Filip Tuomisto
(Aalto University)
10/11/2016, 14:15
Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations
The European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association strives to develop a more harmonized approach for education in the nuclear sciences and nuclear engineering in Europe and to integrate European education and training in nuclear safety and radiation protection. Improved co-operation and sharing of academic resources and capabilities at the national and international level is an...
Emilia Janisz
10/11/2016, 14:30
Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations
The European Atomic Forum (FORATOM) and the European Nuclear Society (ENS) established in 2013 a joint Task Force dedicated to education, training and knowledge management (ETKM) issues in nuclear. The main purpose of the Task Force is to strengthen the link between the industry, research institutes and education and training stakeholders on the European level. Further to inform the European...
Youngmi NAM
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
10/11/2016, 14:45
Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations
This paper describes the main activities and achievement of the Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) related to knowledge sharing and dissemination in the Asia and Pacific region, and how it has strengthened its networks. Since the establishment of ANENT in 2004, the basic framework and infrastructure of collaboration among universities, R&D organizations, and training...