Technical Session 2: KM for Operating Nuclear Facilities
- Pekka (Co-chair) Pyy (IAEA)
- Henri PELIN (World Nuclear Association)
Naoto Sekimura
(The University of Tokyo)
08/11/2016, 09:00
Track 3: Managing knowledge for operating nuclear facilities
The roadmap for light water reactor safety technology and human resource has been constructed by the Special Committee on Nuclear Safety Research Roadmap in the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ). Based upon the lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident, effective planning of research activities to improve safety can also contribute to enhance human resource and management of...
Jerry Hopwood
(University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE))
08/11/2016, 09:15
Track 3: Managing knowledge for operating nuclear facilities
This paper discusses aspects of Nuclear Knowledge Management that have shown particular importance in the activities to refurbish and life extend nuclear power reactors in Canada. In particular, the discussion notes the importance of proactive knowledge management steps, both industry-wide, and specific to the facility operator, that have supported the individual life-extension projects....
Vyacheslav Kupriyanov
(Rosatom Russia)
08/11/2016, 09:30
Track 3: Managing knowledge for operating nuclear facilities
The paper discusses the experience in developing tools necessary for the first phase of automation of description of explicit technological knowledge - the thematic categorization of text documents on nuclear facility life cycle. In the study the existing thematic index IAEA INIS was used as a target index due to its fullest provision at the moment by such means for Russian texts, thanks to...
Cornelia Mariana Valache
(Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, Romania)
08/11/2016, 09:45
Track 3: Managing knowledge for operating nuclear facilities
The paper presents a description of the Knowledge Transfer (KT) process implemented at Cernavoda NPP, its designing and implementation.
It is underlined that applying a KT approach should improve the value of existing processes of the organization through:
• Identifying business, operational and safety risks due to knowledge gaps,
• Transfer of knowledge from the ageing...
Aspects of Knowledge Management Programme Implementation into Management System of NPP Operator
Vladimir Sudakov
(Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.)
08/11/2016, 10:00
Track 3: Managing knowledge for operating nuclear facilities
The paper deals with the implementation of KM tools and approaches in NPPs of Slovenské elektrárne. The case study emphasizes the importance of KM programme introduction into the existing management system of the company taking into account sustainability and successful of the programme and demonstrates some practical examples.