Technical Session 14: Issues and Approaches for Information and Records and Data Management
- Timothy Valentine (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Dobrica (Co-chair) Savic
Zaven Hakopov
10/11/2016, 09:00
Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management
The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) once created to facilitate information exchange in the broad range of scientific and technical fields related to peaceful applications of nuclear power has evolved into a Knowledge Organization System (KOS) consisting of a digital repository and an advanced multi-language thesaurus. This paper gives a general description of the establishment,...
Vincent Kuo
(Aalto University)
10/11/2016, 09:15
Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management
The European Qualifications Framework categorizes learning objectives into three qualifiers “knowledge”, “skills”, and “competences” (KSCs) to help improve the comparability between different fields and disciplines. However, the management of KSCs remains a great challenge given their semantic fuzziness. Similar texts may describe different concepts and different texts may describe similar...
Vyacheslav Kupriyanov
(ROSATOM Russia)
10/11/2016, 09:30
Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management
Information search is considered as a complex self-consistent process of constructing new knowledge, where knowledge is introduced as information related to context (specific circumstances). Operational space of such environment includes documentary components (implicit knowledge) and conceptual and terminological systems (glossaries, thesauri, and ontologies) as tools of cognitive process...
Livio Costantini
(Vienna, Austria)
10/11/2016, 09:45
Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management
This paper describes an experiment to evaluate the outcomes of using the semantic search engine together with the entity extraction approach and the visualisation tools in large set of nuclear data related to Fast Nuclear Reactors (FNR) documents originated from INIS database and the IAEA Web publication. The INIS database has been used because is the larger collection of nuclear related data...
Juan Manuel Galan
(Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD NEA), Paris, France)
10/11/2016, 10:00
Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) operates as a special agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental body based in Paris. The main objective of the NEA is to assist its member countries in maintaining and further developing, through international co-operation, the scientific, technological and legal bases required for a safe, environmentally...