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Approaches of Knowledge Management System for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities

9 Nov 2016, 14:45
Room M3 (IAEA M-Building)

Room M3

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 4: Managing knowledge for decommissioning, environmental remediation and radioactive waste management projects, including in countries with phase-out plans Technical Session 11


Mr Masashi Tezuka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)


The decommissioning of a nuclear facility is a long term project, handling information beginning with design, construction and operation. Moreover, the decommissioning project is likely to be extended because of the lack of the waste disposal site. In this situation, as the transfer of knowledge to the next generation is a crucial issue, approaches of knowledge management (KM) are necessary. For this purpose, the total system of decommissioning knowledge management system (KMS) is proposed. In this system, we should arrange, organize and systematize the data and information of the plant design, maintenance history, trouble events, waste management records etc. The collected data, information and records should be organized by computer support systems. It becomes a base of the explicit knowledge. Moreover, measures of extracting tacit knowledge from retiring employees are necessary. The experience of the retirees should be documented as much as possible through effective questionnaire or interview process. In this way, various KM approaches become an integrated KMS as a whole. The system should be used for daily accumulation of knowledge thorough the planning, implementation and evaluation of decommissioning activities and it will contribute to the transfer of knowledge.
Country or International Organization Japan

Primary author

Mr Yukihiro IGUCHI (Research Institute of Nuclear Engineering, University of Fukui)


Mr Masashi Tezuka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Mr Satoshi Yanagihara (Research Institute of Nuclear Engineering, University of Fukui) Mr Yasuaki Kato (Research Institute of Nuclear Engineering, University of Fukui) Mr Yuya Koda (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

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