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Instituto Balseiro Role in Nuclear Knowledge Preservation and Advancement in Argentina

8 Nov 2016, 15:45
Press Room (IAEA M-Building)

Press Room

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 7: KM in nuclear technology research, development and innovation Technical Session 6


Mr Roberto MAYER (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica Argentina)


The experience in nuclear technological knowledge preservation and development in the Argentine Republic has been the responsibility of many actors due to many factors. Among these, a key role was played by an academic institution which started teaching physics at university level in 1955 and, later, in 1977 started training young minds in nuclear engineering, the Instituto Balseiro. This work briefly presents the nuclear background within the country which has in part shaped the character of the institute and, also, provided the requirements that contributed to orient its evolution. In these pages a short description is made of the path chosen to preserve and develop the relevant knowledge, of the initial challenges, of how knowledge survived a decade where the “nuclear plan” was literally abandoned and, finally, some lessons learned and the outcome of this effort in the very brief description of the case of finishing the design and starting the most recent nuclear power plant in the country.
Country or International Organization Argentina

Primary author

Mr Roberto MAYER (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica Argentina)

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