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Role of MNRC to Develop Knowledge and Skills in Nuclear Applications

10 Nov 2016, 14:30
Room M3 (IAEA M-Building)

Room M3

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 6: KM for non-power nuclear science and applications Technical Session 17


Mr Taïb Marfak (CNESTEN)


Since 2003, CNESTEN is operating Maamora Nuclear Research Center MNRC which is including a 2 MW nuclear reactor and a dozen of specialized nuclear techniques laboratories dedicated to earth sciences, human health, industry, safety and security, radioactive waste management, etc… Preparing the requiredqualified human resources needed investment in terms of identification of necessary competencies, training and expertise development. Human Resources and Communication Department established a strategy to lead with the CNESTEN overall vision and strategic objectives. As a result, modern HR tools were established such as: competencies repository, systematic approach for training SAT, multi-annual training program, evaluation system, etc. This paper will present all the HR projects identified and developed targeting the CNESTEN scientific and technical staff. The objective is to sustain the CNESTEN activities by qualifying its human resources, developing knowledgeand expertise at both the individual and collective levels. Furthermore, CNESTEN is playing a major role in the transfer of nuclear techniques applications knowledge to several African countries. This experience will be presented in this paper as well.
Country or International Organization Morocco

Primary author

Mr Taïb Marfak (CNESTEN)


Mrs Houda Krafes (CNESTEN)

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