Vincent Gagnon
(Sales Manager, L-3 MAPPS)
While the nuclear power industry is trying to reinforce its safety and regain public support post-Fukushima, it is also faced with a very real challenge that affects its day-to-day activities: a rapidly aging workforce. Statistics show that close to 40% of the current nuclear power industry workforce will retire within the next five years. For newcomer countries, the challenge is even greater, having to develop a completely new workforce.
The workforce replacement effort introduces nuclear newcomers of a new generation with different backgrounds and affinities. Major lifestyle differences between the two generations of workers result, amongst other things, in different learning habits and needs for this new breed of learners. Interactivity, high visual content and quick access to information are now necessary to achieve a high level of retention.
To enhance existing training programs or to support the establishment of new training programs for newcomer countries, L-3 MAPPS has devised learning tools to enhance these training programs focused on the “Practice-by-Doing” principle. L-3 MAPPS has coupled 3-D computer visualization with high-fidelity simulation to bring real-time, simulation-driven animated components and systems allowing immersive and participatory, individual or classroom learning.
Country or International Organization | Canada |
Primary author
Vincent Gagnon
(Sales Manager, L-3 MAPPS)
Bernard Gagnon
(Sales Manager, L-3 MAPPS)