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Information Seek and Retrieval in Knowledge Management

10 Nov 2016, 09:30
BoardRoom B/M1 (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom B/M1

IAEA M-Building

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
oral Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management Technical Session 14


Mr Vyacheslav Kupriyanov (ROSATOM Russia)


Information search is considered as a complex self-consistent process of constructing new knowledge, where knowledge is introduced as information related to context (specific circumstances). Operational space of such environment includes documentary components (implicit knowledge) and conceptual and terminological systems (glossaries, thesauri, and ontologies) as tools of cognitive process and semantic context. In the process of information search, context is injected by using a pre-coordinated linguistic structures (taxonomies, dictionaries of application domain) that is an adequate image for well-defined information, and by a cognitive tree taxonomy for new information needs, that is dynamically formed for each project or point of view in search task. A~node of this structure can have as a properties both information (documents, queries, references to associated resources) and meta-information (application domain local dictionaries, corresponding parts of classifications, subject headings, thesauri, ontologies), and,in addition, the results of analytical processing.
Country or International Organization Russian Federation

Primary author

Mr Nikolay Maximov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)


Mr Andrey Pryakhin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) Ms Olga Golitsyna (National Research Nuclear University) Mr Vyacheslav Kupriyanov (ROSATOM Russia)

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