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The IAEA’s Corporate Knowledge Management System

7 Nov 2016, 16:30
BoardRoom B/M1 (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom B/M1

IAEA M-Building

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
oral Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations PL03


Mr Zef Mazi (IAEA)


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as the major international organization in the nuclear area, is also a knowledge organization. In order to support Member States in a wide area of activities related to the peaceful uses of nuclear applications, the IAEA works effectively and efficiently and manages the organization's knowledge through a systematic approach to Corporate Knowledge Management (CKM). During the last decades, several Knowledge Management mechanisms and tools, which constitute the IAEA’s CKM System, have been established and used to manage knowledge at the IAEA. The CKM System aims at providing a coordinated, one-house approach to CKM and its related activities, ensuring that they remain part of results based and quality management activities in the Secretariat, and ultimately enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of programme delivery. This paper describes the IAEA’s CKM System, including the CKM Policy, the CKM Guidelines and the CKM Plan, as well as the main outcomes of the CKM.
Country or International Organization IAEA

Primary author

Mr Zef Mazi (IAEA)

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