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Strategic Academic Unit as a Synergy between Education, Research and Innovations and its Position in Knowledge Life Cycle

8 Nov 2016, 16:00
Press Room (IAEA M-Building)

Press Room

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 7: KM in nuclear technology research, development and innovation Technical Session 6


Mr Georgy Tikhomirov (MEPhI)


The strategic goal of MEPhI is to become a global leader in education, science and innovations. Influence of the world development and current trends imply flexibility of the university to respond to today's challenges and ability to introduce new forms and organizational structures for effective and efficient education. Strategic Academic Unit (SAE) is a new academic and scientific entity engaging nuclear industry partners in processes related to knowledge breeding, handling, and transfer through education and experience. The new SAE is titled as Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering (INPhE). SAE comprises objects belonging to three kinds or classes: education, research, and innovations. Education objects are education programs, teachers, students. Research objects are scientific teams and related mega-science laboratories working for fundamental and applied research. Innovations are typically knowledge assets created in research groups together with industrial partners and customers, recognized by the market, and used by all involved players for the next generations in the knowledge breeding chains. The key elements representing capacity of the SAE and maturity of the university are knowledge assets which are outputs of the intellectual activity and intellectual property itself, that they create.
Country or International Organization Russian Federation

Primary author

Mr Andrey Pryakhin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)


Mr Georgy Tikhomirov (MEPhI)

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