David Wootan
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
The Lessons Learned Approach being followed at the Fast Flux Test Facility is to have domain experts in each subject area develop a short write-up or report on each Lesson Learned. Each lesson learned write-up is on the order of 4-6 pages. Longer reports can be developed as needed. Each Lessons Learned summary discusses the problem and the resolution method employed to address the problem, and also tries to capture the essential “tacit knowledge” associated with each topic in a focused manner. All lessons learned write-ups are supported by more detailed documents. For example, references of more detailed reports are generally included, where available. Topics are selected as those most likely to apply to future design or operating problems. This Lessons Learned Approach has been successful in capturing essential tacit knowledge about key events in FFTF history and providing a context for interpreting the existing data and references.
Country or International Organization | USA |
Primary author
David Wootan
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Christopher Grandy
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Ronald Omberg
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)