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Introducing Knowledge Management into the Integrated Management System of Nuclear Organizations

10 Nov 2016, 09:15
BoardRoom A (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom A

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations Technical Session 13


Mr Yanko Yanev (Nuclear Knowledge Management Institute)


The analysis for introducing knowledge management into an integrated management system in nuclear organizations, conducted by NKMI, and discussed in a number of meetings in IAEA and other organizations has shown that currently there is no full and comprehensive implementation of KM in IMS. NKMI has suggested and developed a common, systematic approach for introducing Knowledge Management in the IMS of a nuclear regulatory organization, based on the concept of competence, graded approach and continuous improvement. The approach is based on the concept of integrating an initial review of all knowledge and competence needed for effective and efficient process implementation including a gap analysis and provision of compensatory measures. Knowledge resources are represented as a knowledge resource matrix, which are necessary to complete a given process successfully. The “performance” of the available knowledge resources contribute to an efficient regulatory process is also reviewed at the end of process implementation where relevant decision for enhancement of knowledge and competence are taken, including capturing, preserving, sharing and reuse of new knowledge, gained through the process implementation. The “knowledge resource matrix” approach is fully based on IAEA recommendation and has already been applied in a number of regulatory processes.
Country or International Organization Austria

Primary author

Mr Yanko Yanev (Nuclear Knowledge Management Institute)


Mr Andreas Brandner (NKMI) Mr Andrey Kosilov (NKMI)

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