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The IAEA Regional Training Courses Implementation: Lessons Learned and Paving the Way Forward

9 Nov 2016, 16:00
Room M3 (IAEA M-Building)

Room M3

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 4: Managing knowledge for decommissioning, environmental remediation and radioactive waste management projects, including in countries with phase-out plans Technical Session 11


Mr Roman Kritskiy (Rosatom Central Institute for Continuing Education & Training)


In the light of the growing interest of the international community to the issues of remediation of nuclear and uranium legacy sites, within 2014--2015 the IAEA Regional Project RER 7/006 ``Building Capacity for Developing and Implementing Integrated Programmes for Remediation of the Areas Affected by Uranium Mining'' was conducted in the framework of the two-years the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme. The present paper deals with the main lessons learned from the developing and delivering a regional training course and its prospective.
Country or International Organization Russian Federation

Primary author

Mr Roman Kritskiy (Rosatom Central Institute for Continuing Education & Training)


Mr Dimitri Ulanov (ROSATOM) Mr Victor Latynov (Rosatom Central Institute for Continuing Education & Training) Prof. Vladimir Artisiuk (Rosatom Central Institute for Continuing Education & Training)

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