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The European Nuclear Education Network: Towards Harmonisation of Education, Training, and Transfer of Knowledge

10 Nov 2016, 14:15
Press Room (IAEA M-Building)

Press Room

IAEA M-Building

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
oral Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations Technical Session 18


Mr Filip Tuomisto (Aalto University)


The European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association strives to develop a more harmonized approach for education in the nuclear sciences and nuclear engineering in Europe and to integrate European education and training in nuclear safety and radiation protection. Improved co-operation and sharing of academic resources and capabilities at the national and international level is an important long-term objective. With respect to stakeholders, such as nuclear industries, research centers, regulatory bodies and other nuclear infrastructures, the primary objectives of ENEN are to create a secure basis of skills and knowledge of value to the EU, and to maintain a high-quality supply of qualified human resources for design, construction, operation and maintenance of nuclear infrastructures, industries and power plants. ENEN supports activities aimed at maintaining the necessary competence and expertise for the continued safe use of nuclear energy and applications of radiation and nuclear techniques in agriculture, industry and medicine. In this technical brief we describe selected activities pursued to reach these goals.
Country or International Organization ENEN

Primary author

Mr Filip Tuomisto (Aalto University)


Mr Leon Cizelj (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Mr Pedro DIEGUEZ PORRAS (ENEN)

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