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Knowledge Management Issues in Research of Historical Severe Accidents

10 Nov 2016, 14:45
BoardRoom B/M1 (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom B/M1

IAEA M-Building

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
oral Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management Technical Session 15


Mr Gary Johnson (Retired)


After the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi sites an attempt was made to identify and analyze previous severe accidents at nuclear reactors. Nineteen severe accidents were found an evaluated. This paper describes the efforts made to obtain the knowledge sources for this work, discusses use of IAEA knowledge management tools, and identifies other sources that are useful for finding information about previous accidents. No complete and credible list of severe accident was found. The work described in this paper is believed to have identified most, but not all, severe accidents that have occurred in the United States, Canada, the European Union, and Japan. It is possible, however, that there may have been other severe accidents that are not yet mentioned in English language literature.
Country or International Organization USA

Primary author

Mr Gary Johnson (Retired)

Presentation materials

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