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Nuclear Education and Training at Tsinghua University to Meet the Need of the Rapidly Developing Industry

9 Nov 2016, 15:30
BoardRoom B/M1 (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom B/M1

IAEA M-Building

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
oral Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations Technical Session 9


Mr Yuliang Sun (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology)


The Chinese nuclear industry has been expanding rapidly since recent years. Education of highly qualified people with various educational background is an important factor for the efficient and healthy operation of the industry. Tsinghua University is offering various degree programs for a variety of disciplines including nuclear science, nuclear engineering, nuclear safety, nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear waste treatment, energy policy and management. Degree programs have been designed and implemented for regular school students who do not have working experience and for people who are already in their career development to better meet the requirement of the rapidly developing nuclear industry. Emphasis has also been given to the internationalization of the education programs. In addition, training programs on a more practical basis are offered to meet specific purposes. These efforts are briefly described in this paper.
Country or International Organization P.R. China

Primary author

Mr Yuliang Sun (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology)


Ms Fengyi Liu (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology) Ms Yanan Han (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology)

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