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NKM Perspectives of Nuclear Education in Pakistan

10 Nov 2016, 16:00
BoardRoom A (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom A

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 7: KM in nuclear technology research, development and innovation Technical Session 16


Mr Rustam Khan (Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS))


Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS), Karachi Institute of Power Engineering (KINPOE) and CHASNUPP Centre for Nuclear Training (CHASCENT) are the main institutes providing for the nuclear skilled man power demands of the country’s nuclear technology program. The PIEAS is a public sector university and offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in nuclear science and technology. The CHASCENT is the training institute which focuses on the training programs for nuclear power, while the KINPOE offers Master program in nuclear power engineering, post graduate training program (PGTP) and Post Diploma Training Program (PDTP) related to nuclear power engineering and technology. The nuclear education programs and other relevant NKM activities at PIEAS, KINPOE and CHASCENT play a key role in the information management, human resource and competence management. This paper presents the NKM perspective of nuclear education in Pakistan, its continuation and enhancement for the expanding nuclear power program to meet the country’s energy demands.
Country or International Organization Pakistan

Primary author

Mr Rustam Khan (Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS))


Mr Ghulam Jaffar (CHASCENT, PAEC) Mr S. M. Z Haq (KINPOE, PAEC) Mr Saleem Ullah Khosa (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission/Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS))

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