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Case Study: Nuclear Knowledge Management Topics Arising from Facility Refurbishment in Canada

8 Nov 2016, 09:15
BoardRoom A (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom A

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 3: Managing knowledge for operating nuclear facilities Technical Session 2


Mr Jerry Hopwood (University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE))


This paper discusses aspects of Nuclear Knowledge Management that have shown particular importance in the activities to refurbish and life extend nuclear power reactors in Canada. In particular, the discussion notes the importance of proactive knowledge management steps, both industry-wide, and specific to the facility operator, that have supported the individual life-extension projects. Canadian life-extension projects for CANDU power reactors involve extensive activities including equipment replacement and upgrades, re-commissioning, license renewal, and workforce renewal.The operating utility needs to be supported by an effective industry KM capability to succeed in a life-extension initiative. The role of the overall national institutional base including the facility operator, regulator, owners’ group, R&D organizations and universities, all playing a part, in meeting the knowledge management challenge, is summarized.
Country or International Organization Canada

Primary author

Mr Jerry Hopwood (University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE))

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