Performance Management in Non-profit Organizations
- Trevor Findlay (Australia)
Performance Management in Non-profit Organizations: PANEL
- Trevor Findlay (Australia)
21/10/2014, 14:10
This paper will describe an initiative to develop a management support tool to improve performance management in the IAEA Department of Safeguards. The envisaged mechanism should enable the Department to (a) plan, assess and report on the achievement of its objectives and (b) to improve its performance on a continuous basis. The performance management tool should be aligned with related...
Roger Howsley
(World Institute for Nuclear Security ( WINS))
21/10/2014, 14:30
The application of Business Performance Management (BPM) was traditionally associated with the Balanced Scorecard developed by Keppler and Norton over 20 years ago and used primarily in commercial organisations where Shareholder value was the priority. The presentation describes how this approach has evolved to focus on Stakeholder priorities rather than profit, how it has been applied...
Zsolt Stefanka
(Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority)
21/10/2014, 14:50
The Hungarian SSAC has introduced a comprehensive domestic safeguards verification system consisting of regular comprehensive SSAC verifications in the whole lifetime of the facilities. The main goals of the comprehensive verification system is: (i) to assess the facility’s safeguards system compliance with the relevant national legislation and recommendations, (ii) to assess the activities of...
Trevor Findlay
(Belfer Center, Harvard Kennedy School)
21/10/2014, 15:10
The paper will consider safeguards culture both at the IAEA and among member states. It will do so through the lens of organizational culture theory and taking into account developments in safeguards since the Iraq case of the early 1990s. The study will seek to identify the current characteristics of safeguards culture and how it has evolved since the 93+2 program was initiated, as well as...
Karen Owen Whitred
Kenji Murakami
Paul Meylemans
Stephanie Dare-Doyen
Van Zyl De Villiers
21/10/2014, 16:00
Nuclear Safeguards Culture