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Effective Strategy Implementation – Best Practice that Really Works

21 Oct 2014, 14:30
Boardroom A (M Building)

Boardroom A

M Building


Roger Howsley (World Institute for Nuclear Security ( WINS))


The application of Business Performance Management (BPM) was traditionally associated with the Balanced Scorecard developed by Keppler and Norton over 20 years ago and used primarily in commercial organisations where Shareholder value was the priority. The presentation describes how this approach has evolved to focus on Stakeholder priorities rather than profit, how it has been applied successfully to the management of nuclear security performance and how it can be applied to any organisation whether in the public or private sector. Strategy Mapping clarifies organisational priorities, allows staff to understand their role and contribution much more clearly and has a significant motivational impact on most organisations to which it is applied.
Country or International Organization World Institute for Nuclear Security ( WINS)

Primary author

Roger Howsley (World Institute for Nuclear Security ( WINS))


Raquel Delgado (World Institute for Nuclear Security ( WINS)) Vesna Gradt (World Institute for Nuclear Security ( WINS))

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