21/10/2014, 16:50
At a time when the nuclear programmes of many States are expanding and the resources of the IAEA remain static, it is more important than ever to maximize the efficiency with which the Agency cooperates with Member States to ensure the effective implementation of safeguards. The Training Section of the Department of Safeguards is working to optimize training and outreach through coordinating...
Melissa Scholz
(U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration)
21/10/2014, 16:50
Since 2008, the Human Capital Development (HCD) subprogram of the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) has supported the recruitment, education, training, and retention of the next generation of international safeguards professionals to meet the needs of both the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the United States....
Susilaningsih LESTARI
(M. Ilman)
21/10/2014, 16:50
There is a growing international focus on effective regulatory oversight of nuclear energy across the three pillars of nuclear safety, security and safeguards. Regarding nuclear safeguards, States in the Asia-Pacific region recognise the importance of cooperation and sharing of experiences to ensure that this is implemented to high international standards. For this reason the Asia-Pacific...
Sunchai Nilsuwankosit
(Chulalongkorn University)
21/10/2014, 16:50
The Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, has begun its master degree program in nuclear security and safeguard since November 2013 with the support from the CBRN-Center of Excellence, European Union. This program was planned as a way to raise the awareness of various local agencies in ASEAN countries regarding the threat of CBRN...
Jiří Gerža
(ČEZ, a.s., NPP Dukovany)
21/10/2014, 16:50
NPP Dukovany is the closest nuclear power plant to IAEA Headquarters in Vienna. Its location together with specific design features of VVER 440 plant give perfect condition for close cooperation. Several tasks within the IAEA Support Program are being performed at Dukovany NPP. Besides these activities, the IAEA authorized the plant operator to perform spent fuel cask seals attachment by...
Sabina Ticevic
21/10/2014, 16:50
In applying a systematic approach to training (SAT), identifying the learning needs is the first step – a learning needs analysis allows the organization to identify the competencies required to perform a particular job. A systematic approach can provide a clear structure for training and education programme development as well as the necessary evaluation and feedback so that the...
Volodymyr Kyryshchuk
(George Kuzmych Training Center, Institute for Nuclear Research)
21/10/2014, 16:50
The George Kuzmych Training Center (GKTC) was created at the Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research as a result of collaborative efforts between the United States and Ukraine in 1998. Later the European Commission (EC) and Sweden joined the USA supporting MC&A aspects of the GKTC activity. The GKTC was designated by the Ukrainian Government to provide the MPC&A training and methodological...