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The Systematic Approach to Training: Analysis and Evaluation in the Department of Safeguards

21 Oct 2014, 16:50
Room M2 (M Building)

Room M2

M Building


Sabina Ticevic (IAEA)


In applying a systematic approach to training (SAT), identifying the learning needs is the first step – a learning needs analysis allows the organization to identify the competencies required to perform a particular job. A systematic approach can provide a clear structure for training and education programme development as well as the necessary evaluation and feedback so that the organization can adjust the development accordingly and deliver the optimal learning experience. In this presentation we will describes two key elements of a SAT used in the Safeguards Training Section in the Department of Safeguards: Analysis and Evaluation. Analysis is the first part of a SAT needed to define competencies for Safeguards staff in order to improve training development within the Department. We describe the training needs analysis used to capture and articulate the various competencies required for safeguards implementation based upon an analysis of tasks and activities carried out by staff members in the Department. Firstly, we highlight the different qualitative methods used to gather information from staff and the process of evaluating and organizing this information into a structured framework. Secondly, we describe how this framework provides the necessary reference to specify learning objectives, evaluate training effectiveness, review and revise training offerings, and select appropriate training paths based on identified needs. In addition, as part of the SAT, evaluation is performed to identify the usefulness of course outcomes and improvements for future offerings based on lessons learned, to ensure that appropriate knowledge and skills are being taught and to demonstrate the value of training by meeting the organization´s needs. We present how the Kirkpatrick four level evaluation model has been implemented by Safeguards Training Section in order to evaluate course effectiveness after the training has been completed, and discuss how the current evaluation mechanism has benefitted the Section´s approach to training development and implementation.
Country or International Organization IAEA
EPR Number (required for all IAEA-SG staff) 751

Primary authors

Anna Weichselbraun (IAEA) Sabina Ticevic (IAEA)


Jean-Maurice Crete (IAEA) susan pickett (iaea)

Presentation materials

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