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13–18 Oct 2014
Hotel Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya
Europe/Moscow timezone

Enhanced Pedestal Performance in DIII-D Elm-free H-modes with Lithium Injection

16 Oct 2014, 08:30
Green 8-9 (Hotel Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya)

Green 8-9

Hotel Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Poster EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability Poster 5


Dr Gary L. Jackson (General Atomics)


With lithium injection, an enhanced pedestal with ELM-free periods up to 350 ms has been observed, accompanied in the edge region by increased density fluctuations and reduced intrinsic impurity accumulation in the core plasma. The increase in pedestal width is rapid, usually occurring in a few ms and can expand by more than 100% during the ELM-free phases with lithium injection. This is accompanied by an increase of more than 2 times the edge pedestal electron pressure and confinement enhancements, H98y,2, up to 2.1 have been obtained.
Country or International Organisation United States
Paper Number PD/P5-3

Primary author

Dr Gary L. Jackson (General Atomics)


A.L. Roquemore (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) A.R. Briesemeister (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Dr Adam McLean (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Anthony W. Leonard (USA) Mr B.A. Grierson (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) C.P. Chrobak (General Atomics) Dr Dennis Mansfield (Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory) Dr Devon Battaglia (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA) Dr George R. McKee (University of Wisconsin-Madison) J.A. Boedo (University of California San Diego) J.S. deGrassie (General Atomics) Dr Philip B. Snyder (General Atomics) Mr R.J. Groebner (General Atomics) Dr Raffi Nazikian (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Dr Rajesh Maingi (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Dr Richard Moyer (University of California San Diego) S.L. Allen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) T.H. Osborne (General Atomics) T.L. Rhodes (University of California Los Angeles) Ms Zheng Yan (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

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