Session 1B - Human Resources and Capacity Building
- Jean Llewellyn
- Osaisai Erepemo
Geisser Robert
(AREVA GmbH), Mr
Xavier Perrette
(AREVA University)
13/05/2014, 09:20
One essential challenge for nuclear newcomers is to develop a national human workforce able to safely and efficiently implement the program and operate the fleet of plants over its life cycle. The scope of the workforce strongly depends on the nuclear strategy and the schedule for its implementation. For the majority of countries, the development of a nuclear energy program is an opportunity...
Massimo Flore
(European Commission - JRC)
13/05/2014, 09:40
Session 1: Human Resources and Capacity Building
In 2010, the European Human Resources Observatory for the Nuclear energy sector (EHRO-N) analysed the demand and supply of human resources (HR) in the European nuclear field in the short, medium and long term. Before this analysis, no comprehensive picture on the demand/supply of nuclear HR was available for the whole EU-27. Apart from France, UK and Finland, who have monitored their national...
Pantip Ampornrat
(Office of Atoms for Peace)
13/05/2014, 09:55
Introduction of Thailand’s first nuclear power program (NPP) in Power development plan 2007 has drawn attention of relevant organizations in preparation for the project. The Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) mission was conducted in 2008. One of results from the INIR mission indicated that Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP), as the national regulatory body, needs to develop a...