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1. DOI Pages & Status / 2. Nudat 3

16 Jan 2024, 15:20
E060 (VIC)




Donnie Mason


1- DOI Pages & Status

The National Nuclear Data Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory has registered DOIs for ENSDF, XUNDL, and NSR. Each database has an associated persistent landing page which contains relevant metadata describing the deposit summary, dataset details, and publication details along with downloadable archives. This effort was motivated by the Department of Energy designating the NNDC as a Public Reusable Research (PuRe) Data steward.

The registration of DOIs goes through the BNL library which requests a DOI from OSTI through their E-Link API. The DOIs are then minted through DataCite. OSTI requires specific metadata which is relevant to DOE records such as DOE contract numbers. The NNDC plans on registering additional DOIs in accordance with the general requirements for data registration.

2- Nudat 3

The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) overhauled one of our most frequently visited web applications, NuDat. Nudat 3 visualizes the data contained in the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF). NuDat features responsive visualizations that significantly improved on the performance of its predecessor by relying on client side rendering using D3.js. NuDat uses Google analytics for a broad overview of how users are interacting with the web application. NuDat has custom analytics as well which allow for possible physics insights based on what nuclides are being searched for.

The NNDC plans to add additional features to NuDat based on user requests and will modernize other web applications. NuDat has a 3D version in development as well.

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