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14–18 Oct 2024
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

High density as an avenue towards high confinement quality and core-edge integration in advanced tokamaks

15 Oct 2024, 10:00
Board Room D (IAEA Headquarters)

Board Room D

IAEA Headquarters

C Building
35 min Oral Long-Pulse and Steady-State Operation and Control LPO session


A. M. Garofalo (General Atomics)


Recent high poloidal beta ($\beta_P$) scenario experiments on EAST and DIII-D have made coordinated breakthroughs for high confinement quality at high density near the Greenwald limit. Experiments on DIII-D have achieved $f_{Gr}$ ($=$line-averaged density$/$Greenwald density) above 1 simultaneously with $H_{98y2}$ around 1.5, as required in compact steady-state fusion pilot plant designs but never before verified in experiments. Compatibilities of high confinement core with small ELMs and fully detached divertor have been demonstrated separately in DIII-D high $\beta_P$ experiments with $f_{Gr}\sim1.0$. Experiments on EAST have nearly doubled the ion temperature at $f_{Gr}\sim0.9$, confirming the predict-first results of simulations. Density gradient amplification of turbulence suppression at high $\beta_P$ is the underlying physics that can explain, in both devices, the achievements of improved confinement at high density.

EAST long pulse H-mode experiments have reached a world record duration of 400 seconds, but with $T_i\ll T_e$. Transport modeling indicated that the ions are limited by ITG modes. Modeling also suggested potential solutions, including reduced magnetic shear, and enhanced density gradients. Following this guidance, various approaches were pursued on EAST. The experiments directly show that a strong enhancement of Ti happens with a single short pulse (100 ms) of impurity injection at $f_{Gr}\sim0.9$. But it can only happen in the appropriate conditions, i.e. a combination of low magnetic shear and high density gradient, as predicted by the earlier modeling.

On DIII-D, a synergy between increased $H_{98y2}$ and increased $f_{Gr}$ is observed in low-$l_i$ plasmas with strong gas puffing, due to the build-up of an internal transport barrier (ITB) at large radius in the temperature and density channels. Sustained $1.0Nature (2024),]. The experimental approach for high $f_{Gr}$ is to elevate the core density by developing a strong ITB, while keeping the pedestal density below the Greenwald limit. Transport simulations show lower turbulent energy transport at higher density gradient due to stronger $\alpha$-stabilization effect. Simulations also reveal that the favorable trend of low transport at high density is only expected when increasing the density gradient at high local safety factor ($q$) and high $\beta$, thus at high $\beta_P$ to ensure strong turbulence stabilization. Sustained small ELMs and reduced divertor heat load are observed simultaneously in the $f_{Gr}>1.0$ and $H_{98y2}\sim1.5$ phase. Increased separatrix density is believed to be a part of the physics that leads to realization of the small-ELM regime. Excellent compatibility of actively controlled full divertor detachment with high density and confinement ($f_{Gr}\sim0.9$, $H_{98y2}\sim1.5$) has been demonstrated in separate DIII-D high P experiments [L. Wang, Nat. Commun. 12 (2021) 1365]. Despite decreased pedestal pressure when entering detachment, a stronger ITB, facilitated through self-organization, leads to improved confinement, in contrast to the confinement degradation with divertor detachment commonly observed in standard H-modes. These results demonstrate the possibility of integrating excellent plasma confinement at high density with an efficient divertor solution, an essential step towards steady-state FPPs. Supported by the US DOE under DE-FC02-04ER54698 and DE-SC0010685.

Primary author

Siye Ding (General Atomics)


A. M. Garofalo (General Atomics) Huiqian Wang (General Atomics) Dr Liang Wang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP)) Dr Wilkie Choi (General Atomics) Xianzu Gong (Insititute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences) Jinping Qian (Institute of plasma physics, Chinese academy of sciences) Juan Huang (CnIPPCAS) David Hatch (Institute for Fusion Studies, University of Texas at Austin) Michael Kotschenreuther (Institute for Fusion Studies) Dr Swadesh Mahajan (University of Texas at Austin) David Weisberg (General Atomics) Dr Zeyu Li (General Atomics) Xiang Jian (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Seung Gyou Baek (MIT PSFC) Paul Bonoli (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Gregory Wallace (MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center) Dr David Eldon (General Atomics) Brian Victor (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Alessandro Marinoni (University of California San Diego) Qiming Hu (PPPL) Dr Ivo Carvalho (ITER Organization) Tomas Odstrcil (General Atomics) Kedong Li (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Dr Alan Hyatt (General Atomics) Dr Thomas Osborne (General Atomics) Joseph McClenaghan (General Atomics) Christopher Holcomb (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Jeremy Hanson (Columbia University) Yanxu Sun Mr Zuhao Wang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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