Posters should meet the following criteria:
Poster Size
- All posters should be in portrait format and size: A0 (1189mm high and 841 mm wide).
- The poster should be easily readable at a 2m distance.
- Use UPPER and lower case for general content, as all-capital text is difficult to read.
- Avoid using mixtures of type/ font styles.
- Text and presentation should be in English only.
- The top of the poster should display, in lettering not smaller than 3cm in height, the following information:
- Title of the Poster
- Names(s) of the Author(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Abstract ID Number (INDICO #ID)
Please be aware that all display material should be prepared in advance. It is not possible to print posters at the conference. Pins for mounting posters are available.
Note: it is not necessary to produce a written paper to support your poster. The conference proceedings will consist of a summary of the main topics discussed during each session and will be produced during the conference.
- Each presenter is responsible for affixing their poster onto their allocated board.
- Each board will be clearly marked with an INDICO ID number
- Pins will be provided on each board
- Staff at the conference registration desk will be ready to assist.
- Authors are requested to be present at their posters during the coffee breaks aligned with their dedicated poster sessions for discussion with interested participants. Conference delegates will be encouraged to visit during the coffee breaks.
- A PDF format of the poster must be submitted by 15 March 2024.
- Please save your file in this format: INDICO ID NUMBER_ LAST NAME _POSTER (Example: 123_Miller_POSTER)
- The file must be send to or
- The Bio Data and Release form to be found on INDICO should also be completed and sent to or by 15 March 2024.