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27 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Europe/Vienna timezone

Preliminary results from thick target measurements of the 27Al(alpha,n)30P reaction cross-section using miniBELEN-10A

27 Nov 2023, 17:25



Nil Mont i Geli (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)


The miniBELEN-10A detector is a modular and transportable moderated neutron counter with a nearly flat detection efficiency up to 8 MeV [1]. It is one of the detection systems available for the MANY collaboration (Measurement of Alpha Neutron Yields and Spectra), a Spanish project designed to conduct measurements of (alpha,n) production yields, reaction cross-sections, and neutron energy spectra. miniBELEN-10A has recently undergone commissioning by measuring 27Al(alpha,n)30P thick target production yields at various alpha energies. This work presents preliminary results from the first physics experiment using miniBELEN-10A. The cross-section of 27Al(alpha,n)30P is derived from thick target measurements for alpha energies near the reaction threshold up to 8 MeV. The experiment is introduced, and the status of the data analysis is discussed.

[1] Mont-Geli et al. EPJ Web of Conferences 284 (2020)

Primary author

Nil Mont i Geli (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Presentation materials