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9–11 Oct 2023
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Photon Strength Function database –current status and next steps

9 Oct 2023, 15:45
MOE10 (IAEA Headquarters)


IAEA Headquarters


Dr Paraskevi DIMITRIOU (International Atomic Energy Agency)


The following issues/assignments will be discussed:
- updating the database
- new HIgS data
- Photonuclear data update
- new interactive interface (to be presented by Sandile Jongile)
The next steps should be to perform an evaluation of the PSF data. The proposal is to apply a no-model evaluation using statistical methods such as Bayesian Inference. An important prerequisite for such an evaluation is to carefully select consistent experimental data.

Primary author

Dr Paraskevi DIMITRIOU (International Atomic Energy Agency)

Presentation materials