- Dirk Wünderlich (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Dirk Wünderlich
CR: Summary
- Dirk Wünderlich
Special session for Collisional Radiative Models (CR models)
Collisional radiative (CR) models represent the most versatile type of population models used for determining plasma parameters or for predicting for known plasma parameters the plasma behavior. In plasmas used in fusion research the particle temperatures and densities can cover a wide range. Typically, the edge plasma of fusion devices is much cooler than the core plasma, resulting in the...
Tungsten used as a plasma-facing material for divertor in fusion devices is sputtered and transported into plasmas. The tungsten behaviors in divertor, edge, and core plasmas should be examined by spectroscopic methods, and the spectroscopic models and atomic data for a wide charge state range of tungsten ions are required to analyze tungsten spectra. Many studies have been done on tungsten...
The need for quantitative spectroscopy of molecular hydrogen has experienced substantial demand, leading to the accumulation of diverse elementary-processes data encompassing radiative transitions, electron-impact transitions, and predissociations. In this study, we attempt an experimental validation of this dataset by comparing the vibronic populations across multiple molecular hydrogen...