MOD/1 fusion devices
- Sven Wiesen
MOD/1 fusion devices
- Sven Wiesen (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
MOD/1 fusion devices
- Sven Wiesen
MOD/1 fusion devices: Summary
- Sven Wiesen
Modelling 1: tokamaks, linear plasmas, stellarators
A summary on the numerical assessment of detailed distribution of neutral particles impinging specific diagnostic surfaces in ITER (i.e. mirrors on upper-outer limiter or midplane) was given. Demonstrated are the EIRENE post-processing of ITER SOLPS4.3 simulations including an extension of plasma on an artificial grids up to first wall (c.f. based on previous simulations by A. Khan NME 2019)....
Measurements in JET ITER-like Wall low-confinement mode plasmas showed that the scrape-off layer at the low-field side midplane was $30 \%$ broader and the low-field side divertor plasma a factor of $2-3$ more strongly detached in pure-tritium than in pure-protium plasmas for otherwise similar core plasma conditions. The conditions in pure-deuterium and in a $40 \% - 60 \%$ deuterium-tritium...
Kinetic sputtering of materials during bombardment with energetic particles is a well understood process for the case of perfectly flat surfaces. Both analytical models and numerical simulation codes have been established in the last decades showing good agreement for quantities accessible by experiments like the sputtering yield. Still, for many applications, e.g., plasma-facing materials in...
Molecular Dynamics simulations is a powerful tool in investigating the effects on surfaces under various conditions. It is especially effective for studying the interaction between energetic particles and surfaces. Due to relevancy to fusion, tungsten surfaces have been studied under various conditions. Both pristine surfaces and atomistically rough surfaces have been studied under irradiation...
The reflection and sputtering properties of surfaces under energetic particle impact have been studied theoretically and experimentally since several decades and for many systems (especially planar, mono-elemental and amorphous target-systems) a comprehensive level of knowledge does exist. The situation is considerably less satisfying once the target system exhibits more complex features....
Dedicated computer codes are used to address the physics of plasma-wall interaction and related issues of wall lifetime and long-term tritium retention in fusion devices. The Monte-Carlo code ERO2.0 is such an example, which allows numerical modeling of realistic three-dimensional device geometries based on its massive parallelization [1]. In addition to (net) erosion and re-deposition maps on...