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20–24 May 2024
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

Scientific Programme

  • Conference Themes

    Consistent with the objectives outlined for ICONS 2024, the overall themes for the conference will include:

    • Policy, Law and Regulations for Nuclear Security (PR)

      • International framework for nuclear security, including legally binding and non-binding instruments

      • Regulation development and implementation
      - Support for embarking countries
      - Approaches to regulation (prescriptive, performance-based, technology neutral)
      - Challenges in meeting changing demands due to emerging technologies and emerging threats
      -Tools and approaches for regulators for evaluation of policy and regulations

    • Technology and Infrastructure for Nuclear Security Prevention, Detection and Response (TI)

      • Current and existing technologies including issues related to aging facilities and lifecycle management, research reactors, decommissioned facilities and facilities being decommissioned, and other facilities using and/or manufacturing nuclear or other radioactive material
      • Emerging nuclear technologies including small modular reactors, micro reactors, other novel reactor designs, spent fuel storage and disposal, and evaluation of such technologies in relation to nuclear security
      • Emerging non-nuclear technologies including artificial intelligence, uncrewed systems, etc. (both as potential tools for nuclear security and as potential risks) and evaluation of such technologies as related to nuclear security
      • Approaches to nuclear security including graded approach, defence in depth, and risk-informed
      • Existing and emerging threats, prevention, protection and assessment including design basis threat, insider threat and evaluation and assessment of protection systems
      • Supply chain security
      • Nuclear forensics
      • Materials security, including transportation of nuclear and other radioactive material, material accounting and control, national accounting and control measures, and preventing illicit trafficking
      • Building and maintenance of nuclear security detection architecture
      • Coordinated response to nuclear security events

    • Capacity Building for Nuclear Security (CB)

      • Workforce development
      - Skills for nuclear security
      - Cross and inter-disciplinary concepts

      • Workforce management
      - Attracting the next generation
      - Retention and knowledge management
      - Creating and maintaining workforce diversity

    • Cross-cutting Nuclear Security Topics (CC)

      • Information exchange and regional and international cooperation
      • Information and computer security considerations for nuclear security
      • Interfaces between nuclear security and safety
      • Interfaces between nuclear security and State systems of accounting and control
      • IAEA assistance programmes and advisory services
      • Communication on nuclear security
      • Nuclear security culture
      • Contribution of industry to nuclear security