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20–24 May 2024
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

Call for Abstracts


Abstracts should be approximately 150 to 200 words and should give enough information on the content of the proposed paper to enable the Review Committee to evaluate it. When submitting an abstract, authors should enter a working title and type the abstract directly into the "Content" box of the "Submit New Abstract" pop-up window.

Authors should also select to which of the themes listed below their contribution relates. Groups preferring to present their work as a poster should indicate as such in the "Contribution type" drop down menu.

Anyone wishing to present at the conference must submit an abstract in electronic format using this IAEA-INDICO platform. The abstract can be submitted through this system until 16 October 2023.

This IAEA-INDICO platform is the sole mechanism for submission of contributed abstracts. Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts as early as possible. The IAEA will not accept submissions via email.

In addition, authors must register online using the InTouch+ platform. The online registration together with the auto-generated Participation Form (Form A) and Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) must reach the IAEA no later than 15 December 2023.

IMPORTANT: The Programme Committee will consider uploaded abstracts only if these two forms have been received by the IAEA through the established official channels.

Acceptance of Abstracts

The Secretariat reserves the right to exclude abstracts that do not comply with its technical or scientific quality standards and that do not apply to one of the topics listed below.
Authors will be informed by 29 December 2023 as to whether their submission has been accepted, either orally or as a poster, for presentation at the conference.
Accepted abstracts will also be reproduced in an unedited electronic compilation of Abstracts which will be made available to all registered participants of the conference.

The deadline for electronic submission of the full papers as Word files is 1 March 2024. The IAEA will not accept papers submitted after the deadline.

All papers, apart from invited papers, must present original work and must not have been published elsewhere. Guidelines for the layout of the Final paper can be found on the ICONS 2024 INDICO homepage. Papers are expected to be around 7-10 pages in length.


The overall themes for the conference will include:

Policy, Law and Regulations for nuclear security

  • International framework for nuclear security, including legally binding and non-binding instruments

  • Regulation development and implementation

    • Support for embarking countries
    • Approaches to regulation (prescriptive, performance-based, technology neutral)
    • Challenges in meeting changing demands due to emerging technologies and emerging threats
    • Tools and approaches for regulators for evaluation of policy and regulations

Technology and infrastructure for nuclear security prevention, detection and response

  • Current and existing technologies including issues related to aging facilities and lifecycle management, research reactors, decommissioned facilities and facilities being decommissioned, and other facilities using and/or manufacturing nuclear or other radioactive material
  • Emerging nuclear technologies including small modular reactors, micro reactors, other novel reactor designs, spent fuel storage and disposal, and evaluation of such technologies in relation to nuclear security
  • Emerging non-nuclear technologies including artificial intelligence, uncrewed systems, etc. (both as potential tools for nuclear security and as potential risks) and evaluation of such technologies as related to nuclear security
  • Approaches to nuclear security including graded approach, defence in depth, and risk-informed
  • Existing and emerging threats, prevention, protection and assessment including design basis threat, insider threat and evaluation and assessment of protection systems
  • Supply chain security
  • Nuclear forensics
  • Materials security, including transportation of nuclear and other radioactive material, material accounting and control, national accounting and control measures, and preventing illicit trafficking
  • Building and maintenance of nuclear security detection architecture
  • Coordinated response to nuclear security events

Capacity Building for nuclear security

  • Workforce development

    • Skills for nuclear security
    • Cross and inter-disciplinary concepts
  • Workforce management

    • Attracting the next generation
    • Retention and knowledge management
    • Creating and maintaining workforce diversity

Cross-cutting nuclear security topics

  • Information exchange and regional and international cooperation
  • Information and computer security considerations for nuclear security
  • Interfaces between nuclear security and safety
  • Interfaces between nuclear security and State systems of accounting and control
  • IAEA assistance programmes and advisory services
  • Communication on nuclear security
  • Nuclear security culture
  • Contribution of industry to nuclear security

The call for abstracts is closed.