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Development of an evaluation method for in-place cooling of a degraded core in severe accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors

16 Mar 2023, 11:35



IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria


Mr Yuya Imaizumi (JAEA, Japan)
Country of origin Japan
Organization Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Confirmation that the work is original and has not been published anywhere else. Yes
Topic of the Abstract Subtrack 2 Analysis and Modelling of Severe Accidents for LMFR

Primary authors

Mitsuhiro Aoyagi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Kenji Kamiyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Ken-ichi Matsuba (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Assan Akaev (National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Anatoly Mikisha (National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Viktor Baklanov (National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Alexandr Vurim (National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Presentation materials