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International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (URAM-2023)



Adequate services, expertise and modern technologies are needed to ensure a sustainable supply of uranium raw materials to fuel both operating and future nuclear power reactors. Effective regulation, sound environmental management, training and education are required to minimize the impact of uranium mining and production and to contribute to public acceptance of the global nuclear industry in general. 

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Symposia on Uranium Production and Raw Materials for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle will discuss all aspects of uranium raw materials for the uranium fuel cycle to ensure the long term sustainability of nuclear power programmes. 

Purpose and Objectives

The long-term sustainability of nuclear power will depend on, among several factors, an adequate supply of uranium resources that can be delivered to the marketplace at competitive prices.  The purpose of the event is to analyse supply–demand scenarios and to present and discuss the latest developments and innovations in uranium geology, exploration, mining, processing and site decommissioning to ensure a sustainable supply of uranium for use as nuclear fuel.

Key Deadlines and Dates

20 January 2023

  • Submission of abstracts through IAEA-INDICO
  • Submission of Form B (together with Form A) through the InTouch+ platform
  • Submission of Form C (together with Form A) through the InTouch+ platform

17 February 2023

  • Notification of acceptance of abstracts for oral or poster presentation

17 March 2023

  • Electronic submission of extended abstracts through IAEA-INDICO

6 April 2023

  • Notification of review of extended abstracts

21 April 2023

  • Deadline for submission of revised extended submitted through IAEA-INDICO

Symposium Information

Please visit the IAEA conference web page regularly for new information regarding this conference. 

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