Chilean Experience Post IRRUR Mission, E. Vargas, Chile
IAEA key-note speaker, R. Mazzi, IAEA
Integrated Management system applied to a low power research reactor facility in operation: lesson learned and future perspective, A. Salvini, Italy
Ageing Management Experienced in Refurbishment of TRR-1/M1 Reactor Pool, K. Tiyapun, Thailand
Recent Developments In ISFAHAN MNSR Applications, M. Dastjerdi, Iran
Major refurbishment of Advanced Test Reactor, S. O’Kelly, USA
Commissioning Experiments of the new core of the IPEN/MB-01 Research Reactor with Plate-Type Fuel Elements, U. Bitelli, Brazil
Ageing Management Experienced in Refurbishment of TRR-1/M1 Reactor Pool, K. Tiyapun, Thailand
Session 2: Operation and Maintenance
Conference opening
N. Mokhtar, DDG-NA, IAEA
L. Evrard, DDG-NS, IAEA
High level government official, Jordan
K. Toukan, Conference Chair, JAEC
Scientific Secretaries
Session 1: Utilization and Applications
IAEA key-note spearker, N. Pessoa Barradas, IAEA
Current Status of the HANARO Utilization, M. Kim, Korea
The Research Reactor TRIGA Mainz – Since More than 58 Years a Strong and Versatile Neutron Source for Science and Education, K. Eberhardt, Germany
New Innovative Developments and Sustainable Utilizations of the Penn State Breazeale Reactor, K. Unlu, USA
Neutron activation analysis applications using the facilities installed at the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy, P. Bedregal, Peru
R&D plan for the development of BNCT at the WWR-K reactor, A. Shaimerdenov, Kazakhstan
JRTR utilization and impact, M. Hawari, Jordan
Beam Line Facilities At The Safari-1 Research Reactor And Their Progression Into The New Multi-Purpose Reactor, A. Venter, South Africa
Reception Registration
Include materials from selected sessions