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11–12 Jul 2022
Virtual Event (Registration Required)
Europe/Vienna timezone
Abstract submission is open until 17th June.

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Participants representing fusion-related enterprises are encouraged to submit an abstract for the poster contribution describing the mission and vision as well as the work being done in his/her organisation. Posters will be displayed during the two days of the workshop. Should any participant wish to present a poster, they are requested to submit a one-page abstract.

Due to the virtual format, the poster session will be substituted with a series of short presentations. After acceptance of their abstracts, authors will have to pre-record a short video (4 min maximum) explaining the content of their poster. For convenience, the format of the poster will be PowerPoint slides. This material (recorded video + slides) will be available to all registered participants for further discussion during the event.

Abstracts should be submitted through INDICO system by 13 June 2022.

Template for one-page abstract can be found here.

Abstracts can be text only or contain figures and graphics. The abstracts must contain the authors’ names, affiliation and email address. Acceptable file format is pdf. The filename should be in the following format: "LASTNAME_INITIAL.pdf".

Authors must make sure that the files do not include copyrighted fonts or any other impediments for reproduction. The abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the International Programme Advisory Committee. Authors will be informed of the acceptance of their contributions via email by 17 June 2022.

The abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the International Programme Advisory Committee, and they will be listed in the brochure prepared for the event.

Please note that participants wishing to present a poster also need to submit Form A and Form B to the competent national authorities by 10 June.

The call for abstracts is closed.