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CoNDERC white paper and status

10 Oct 2022, 14:30
M Building Press Room (VIC)

M Building Press Room


Wagramer Str. 5, 1400 Wien


Dr Jean-Christophe SUBLET (IAEA)


The purpose of the project entitled Compilation of Nuclear Data Experiments for Radiation Characterisation (CoNDERC) is to transfer into technology the experimental integral radiation information that can be used as part of the Validation and Verification processes of nuclear model and code systems, and to provide various schemas to perform the necessary V&V protocols. The IAEA coordinate, organize affiliate’s institution research and development to construct several databases and code infrastructures based on their own V&V activities mainly associated with inventory, activation-transmutation, source term, reaction rates and radiation shielding R&D, but also outreaching to engineering systems.

The project has seen significant progress in the past four years, ensuring its goals. It is expected to still gain momentum once its features and deliverables are fully functional.

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Presentation materials