Francesco Maviglia
30/08/2022, 10:35
Plasma transient challenges (disruptions, detachment loss, equilibrium) and resulting requirements for the machine design of a DEMO tokamak reactor
Emiliano Fable
(IPP Garching)
30/08/2022, 11:35
Development of plasma control for the transient phases of a DEMO tokamak discharge
Wolfgang Treutterer
(IPP Garching)
30/08/2022, 12:20
Strategies for gradual increase of flat-top plasma performance towards the operational point according to the ITER operational plan
Ge Zhuang
30/08/2022, 14:05
Solutions for the transients and load variations of the CFETR operation scenarios
Takuya Goto
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
30/08/2022, 14:50
Current status of helical fusion reactor design and study on operation control scenario
Francesco Maviglia
(EUROfusion, PPPT Department, Building R3 Boltzmannstr. 2 Garching 85748, Germany)
30/08/2022, 15:50
Susana Clement Lorenzo
(Fusion for Energy)
30/08/2022, 16:50
Overview of broader approach phase II programme