Presentation materials
While experimental dependence of the pellet penetration depth can be approximated using simple scaling laws, underlying physics is extremely complex and requires challenges for multiscale and multiphysics modelling. The electron density of an ablation cloud changes over eight orders of magnitude from solid density (
Precise values for radiated power during tokamak disruptions are required to predict the effectiveness of mitigation techniques at preventing damage in net energy tokamaks like ITER and SPARC. Conventional approaches to calculating
Future tokamaks will require robust disruption mitigation to prevent machine damage from thermal loads, electromagnetic forces, and runaway-electron (RE) impact. The leading-candidate for this is shattered-pellet injection (SPI), which is being tested experimentally on several tokamaks and will be used on ITER. Verified, predictive models are needed to project the performance of these systems...
Simulation of Ne/H Shattered Pellet Injection (SPI) into an ITER L-mode plasma is carried out by JOREK non-equilibrium impurity model with separate electron and ion temperature. The focus of this report is on the MHD dynamics, the density transport, the temperature profile evolution and relaxation during the loss of the core confinement, as well as the impact from the non-equilibrium impurity,...
D2 injection into mature runaway electron (RE) beams is found to enable access to a benign termination scenario that can mitigate MA-level RE currents without measurable wall heating. This result is enabled by the excitation of large and sudden MHD events (dB/B ~ 5%) that are found to promptly disperse the entire RE population over a large wetted area, with MHD accelerated by a recombined...
Benign termination of mega-ampere level runaway current has been
convincingly demonstrated in JET [1] and DIII-D [2],
establishing it as a leading candidate for runaway mitigation on
ITER. This comes in the form of a runaway flush by parallel streaming
loss along stochastic magnetic field lines formed by global
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities, which are found to correlate with...
A 3D coil, which would be passively driven by the current quench (CQ) loop voltage during a disruption, has been incorporated into the design of SPARC, a high-field tokamak under development by Commonwealth Fusion Systems, and a similar coil is planned for installation on DIII-D. The effects of each of these runaway electron mitigation coils (REMC) on magnetic flux surfaces and runaway...
A highly flexible shattered pellet injection (SPI) system was installed in December 2021 on ASDEX Upgrade. This system provides three independent guide tubes (GTs) and the pellet velocity can be varied between 100-900 m/s depending on pellet size and composition. At the end of each GT, different shatter heads had been installed for characterization of the disruption behaviour for different...
Shattered Pellet Injection (SPI) has been chosen as the baseline disruption mitigation system for ITER. However, many questions remain regarding its operation, particularly under the presently envisaged operating scenario where several simultaneous and staggered SPIs are needed to inject high-Z radiating impurities prior to the thermal quench. Experiments on DIII-D used two SPIs with pellets...
Runaway electrons (RE) pose a significant threat for ITER and a mitigation technique is yet to be validated. Preliminary experiments on DIII-D and JET showed that reduced damage to the vessel can be achieved by accessing MHD instabilities that lead to spreading of the RE beam impact area [Paz-Soldan 2019, Reux 2021]. These instabilities were attained by “flushing” impurities and recombining...