One of the high priority research needs for the ITER project is the development of a solid physics basis of plasma disruptions and their mitigation. The thermal and electromagnetic loads taking place during these events pose important constraints on the lifetime of tokamak components [1, 2]. The extrapolation of these loads from experimental data to new machines entails large uncertainties,...
During vertical displacement events (VDEs) plasma column hits the wall and scrape-off layer (``halo'') currents can reach significant amplitudes [1]. Therefore, the related electromagnetic loads on plasma facing components (PFCs) should be thoroughly evaluated to guarantee their structural integrity. Modelling of halo currents for next generation tokamaks is a challenging task. For example,...
Thermal quench (TQ) marks the point of no return in a tokamak
disruption. It not only brings a thermal load management issue at the
divertor plates and first wall, but also determines the runaway
seeding for the subsequent current quench (CQ). There are two ways to
trigger a TQ, one is the globally stochastic magnetic field lines that
connect the hot core plasma to the cold boundary,...
SPARC is a compact, high-field, burning plasma experiment, with the mission to demonstrate net fusion energy and retire risks on a fast-track development path toward an ARC-class pilot plant.
SPARC is designed to operate at 12.2 T at the plasma major radius, 1.85 m, and 8.7 MA in a double null configuration with elongation up to 1.97, for a 10 s flat-top. The device is conservatively...
The cause of the thermal quench (TQ) in tokamak disruptions has not been well understood.
Recent work identified the TQ in JET locked mode disruptions with
a resistive wall tearing mode (RWTM) [1].
New research finds a similar instability in DIII-D locked mode shot 154576 [2]. The instability is studied with simulations, theory, and comparison to experimental data. Linear theory and...
This work extends the recent modeling of runaway electron (RE) mitigation in Ref. {1} by including an avalanche RE source {2} in the Kinetic Orbit Runaway electrons Code (KORC). Our main finding is that REs produced by the avalanche source are the primary contributor to transient high heat loads observed at plasma-facing component (PFC) surfaces as shown in Fig. [1]. The magnitude of the...
We report comprehensive investigation of Alfvénic instabilities driven by runaway electrons (REs) during the current quench in the DIII-D tokamak. These instabilities are observed as toroidal magnetic field fluctuations in the frequency range of 0.1–3 MHz and correlate with increased RE loss from the plasma which candidates them to be responsible for non-sustained RE beams and motivates a...