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19–22 Jul 2022
ITER Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Torque balance analysis in real-time of rotating MHD for disruption prediction and avoidance in KSTAR

19 Jul 2022, 13:00
Entrance Lobby (ITER Headquarters)

Entrance Lobby

ITER Headquarters

Contributed Poster Prediction and Avoidance Posters


Juan Riquezes (Columbia University)


Advanced tokamak reactors require a low disruptivity ceiling to reach commercial viability. The damaging impact of plasma disruptions on machine components can greatly reduced the lifetime of a device. A precursor to disruptions is the locking dynamic of rotating MHD events that are often neoclassical tearing modes (NTM). The drag of electromagnetic and fluid viscosity torques can cause the slowing down of NTM’s with a saturated island width and lock them to the wall reference frame. A balance of the driving torque from the NBI, and drag from perpendicular viscous diffusion drag and electromagnetic forces on the mode, as well as its inertia is used to model the mode rotation dynamics. Threshold rotation frequencies below which the mode rotation is expected to lead to a locking serve as a disruption forecaster. Mode identification is computed most accurately by Fourier analysis of a toroidal array of magnetic probes, or using simpler approaches generally more amenable to real-time calculation. From the rotation, the torque components are then calculated based on conditions for the expected drag torque ratios at the mode onset, changes in frequency, and Mirnov signal amplitudes. This technique is employed for offline and real-time analysis of KSTAR plasmas with potential to signal use of active mode control or disruption mitigation systems. *This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contracts DE-SC0018623 and DE-SC0016614.

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Speaker's Affiliation Columbia University
Member State or IGO United States of America

Primary authors

Hyunsun Han (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy) Jalal Butt (Columbia University) John Berkery (Columbia University) Juan Riquezes (Columbia University) Jayhyun Kim (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy) Jeongwon Lee (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy) Jinseok Ko (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy) Jun Gyo Bak (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy) Keith Erickson (PPPL) Mark Boyer (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Matthew Tobin (Columbia University) Si-Woo Yoon (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy) Steven Sabbagh (Columbia University) Veronika Klevarova (Columbia University) Young-Seok Park (Columbia University)

Presentation materials