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Individual monitoring of exposed workers - Performance indicators

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 16. Occupational exposure levels and dose registries Session 4. Occupational exposure levels and dose registries


Panagiotis Askounis


The Personal Dosimetry Department of Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) coordinates the individual monitoring of exposed workers in Greece since 1991 and maintains the National Dose Registry (NDR) containing data since 1964.
Over the last twenty years, the increasing use of ionizing radiation in medical practices and better access to this technology has led to a rapid increase in the number of exposed workers in the medical sector.
Additionally, during the past two decades, professionals have made significant efforts in the field of optimization for occupational radiation protection, including the application of safe practices and work methods, training of the exposed workers, use of radiation protection means, and finally the strengthening and promotion of all aspects of safety culture.
A big challenge in this framework is the evaluation of the performance of the occupational radiation protection system by using specific, measurable, and quantitative values.
Within a national project for raising awareness related to the use of ionizing radiation, EEAE established a set of such performance indicators making use of the data registered in NDR.
Specific parts of the NDR database were properly combined and used to allow the calculation of measurable indicators over the years. These indicators include among others: Collective dose, mean average dose, percentage of non-returned dosemeters, number of exposed workers with doses above specific values, number of workers who use more than one dosemeter.
In the present work, the trends of these indicators analysed for the different occupational and working categories will be discussed as well as the conclusion that can be drawn by EEAE for the effectiveness of the regulatory work and the areas for improvement.

Speakers email
Speakers affiliation Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE)
Name of Member State/Organization Greece

Primary authors

Panagiotis Askounis Mr Georgios Kyranos (Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE)) Mrs Chara Kyrgiakou (Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE)) Mrs Alexandra Kyriakidou (Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE)) Mrs Eleni Papadomarkaki (Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE)) Eleftheria Carinou (Greek Atomic Energy Commission)

Presentation materials