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Computed Tomography and Occupational Radiation Exposure of the “Mayak”Workers: CT Register

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 13. Health surveillance; probability of causation of occupational harm attributable to radiation exposure; compensation Session 3. Radiation effects, health risks of occupational exposure and worker’s health surveillance


Mikhail Osipov (Southern Urals Biophysics Institute)


Exposure to diagnostic radiation from computed tomography (CT) scans is an additional source of potential radiation risk for nuclear workers. To ensure their adequate protection, it is necessary to control the radiation burden resulted from diagnostic CT exposures. A radiation-epidemiological register of CT-exposed persons has been created for this purpose.
The “CT Register” currently includes 14,624 patients of both sexes and all ages, including 25% of “Mayak” nuclear workers, who underwent CT examinations in 5 hospitals in Southern Urals between 1993 and 2019. Information on CT scans performed, patient diagnosis, vital status and cause of death, cancer morbidity and other factors is available in the Register to provide a retrospective epidemiological analyzes of late effects of radiation exposure and assess the contribution of CT exposure to the potential radiogenic risk among occupationally exposed workers.
The study will help to review of international standards and recommendations on occupational radiation protection.

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Speakers affiliation Southern Urals Biophysics Institute
Name of Member State/Organization n/a

Primary author

Mikhail Osipov (Southern Urals Biophysics Institute)

Presentation materials