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Apr 11 – 14, 2022
Vienna International Center
Europe/Vienna timezone


Oral Session #1 – Legal Framework and the CPPNM/A

Apr 11, 2022, 2:30 PM
Board Room A (Vienna International Center)

Board Room A

Vienna International Center


Oral Session #1 – Legal Framework and the CPPNM/A

  • Vitaly Fedchenko (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute)

Presentation materials

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Ramin Pashayev (Head of Department on Special permission and State registry of the State Agency on Nuclear and Radiological Activity Regulations (Regulatory Authority) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
3.3 Sustaining a National Nuclear Forensics Capability: Challenges and Considerations
    The nuclear forensics is the process of comparing sample characteristics with existing information about the types of material the origin and methods of production of nuclear and other radioactive material or previous cases associated with similar material. Thus, nuclear forensics regarded as a new area of integrated science research that allows not only to identify...
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